GB-Middlesbrough: Virtual Internships
Competitive Contract Notice
1. Title: GB-Middlesbrough: Virtual Internships
2. Awarding Authority:
Teesside University
Southfield Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BX, United Kingdom
Tel. 01642 218121, Email:, URL:
Attn: Procurement
3. Contract Type: Services
Sub Type: Education and vocational education services.
4. Description: Education and training services. Higher education services. Teesside University is now seeking a provider of virtual internships that meet the demands of the courses and the needs of students. We want to ensure that there is a wide range of opportunities available.
5. CPV Codes:
80000000 - Education and training services.
80300000 - Higher education services.
6. NUTS Codes :
UKC1 - Tees Valley and Durham
7. Main Site or Location of Works, Main Place of Delivery or Main Place of Performance: Tees Valley and Durham,
8. Reference Attributed by the Awarding Authority: 20.103
9. Estimated Value of Requirement: Category E: 5M to 10M
Currency: GBP
10. Deadline for Expression of Interest: 09/07/2021 17:00:00
11. Address to which they must be sent:
Not Provided
12. Other Information:
Other Information: For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:
To respond to this opportunity, please click here:
Suitable for VCO: Yes
Procedure Type:OPEN
Period of Work Start date: 01/09/2021
Period of Work End date: 31/08/2041
Is this a Framework Agreement?: no