GB-Derby: ERDF-DYNA/IISE/31/10

Competitive Contract Notice

1. Title: GB-Derby: ERDF-DYNA/IISE/31/10
2. Awarding Authority:
University of Derby
Kedleston Road, Derby, Derby, DE22 1GB, United Kingdom
Tel. 01332 594295, Email:, URL:
Contact: Alex Lawrence, Attn: Alex Lawrence
3. Contract Type: Supplies

4. Description: Miscellaneous engineering services. Mechanical engineering services. ERDF- DYNA/IISE/31/10
The University’s Innovation Institute is seeking to purchase a precision rotating dynamometer and instrumentation system for use on a CNC machine tool to measure torque and thrust force under tapping, drilling and milling operations.
The rotating dynamometer will be secured to the CNC machine’s rotating spindle through an HSK A63 adaptor and the stator for data collection will be mounted on the machine tool close to the rotating dynamometer. The instrumentation system will be a plug and play set-up.
5. CPV Codes:
71330000 - Miscellaneous engineering services.
71333000 - Mechanical engineering services.

6. NUTS Codes :
UKF11 - Derby

7. Main Site or Location of Works, Main Place of Delivery or Main Place of Performance: Derby,
8. Reference Attributed by the Awarding Authority: ERDF-DYNA/IISE/31/10
9. Estimated Value of Requirement: Category I: 50K to 100K
Currency: GBP
10. Deadline for Expression of Interest: 04/12/2017 17:00:00
11. Address to which they must be sent:
University of Derby
Kedleston Road, Derby, Derby, DE22 1GB, United Kingdom
Tel. 01332 594295, Email:, URL:
Contact: Alex Lawrence, Attn: Alex Lawrence

12. Other Information:
Other Information: ERDF-DYNA/IISE/31/10
The University’s Innovation Institute is seeking to purchase a precision rotating dynamometer and instrumentation system for use on a CNC machine tool to measure torque and thrust force under tapping, drilling and milling operations.
The rotating dynamometer will be secured to the CNC machine’s rotating spindle through an HSK A63 adaptor and the stator for data collection will be mounted on the machine tool close to the rotating dynamometer. The instrumentation system will be a plug and play set-up.
For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:

To respond to this opportunity, please click here:
Suitable for VCO: No
Procedure Type:OPEN
Period of Work Start date: 18/12/2017
Period of Work End date: 31/12/2017
Is this a Framework Agreement?: no